Zero Injury Week


From March 25 to March 31, 2024, the “Zero Injury Week” is being held at the health care institution “City Gynecological Hospital”.

Zero Injury Week is held to ensure the safety and health of workers in the workplace, prevent cases of occupational injuries, promptly identify violations of labor safety standards and take measures to eliminate them.

Holding a “Zero Injury Week” is an additional event to the daily work on labor protection and one of the effective ways to monitor compliance with safety legislation.


The principles of the “Zero Injury Week” are:

- priority of the employee’s life and his health;

- responsibility of managers and each employee for safety and compliance with labor protection requirements;

- involvement of workers in ensuring safe conditions and labor protection;

- assessment and management of risks in production;

- training and informing workers on labor safety issues.

In order for injuries at work to be minimized, the organization must organize a safe work process in compliance with the rules and regulations of labor protection.

A significant positive contribution to the promotion of occupational safety issues is made by the application in organizations of our country of the principles of the Zero Injury Concept developed by the International Social Security Association (ISSA).

“Vision Zero” or “Zero Injury” is a qualitatively new approach to organizing prevention, combining three areas - safety, occupational health and employee well-being. Thanks to its flexibility « Vision Zero can be used in any workplace, in any organization and in any industry in all regions of the world.

Life is sacred, and every person has the right to return home alive after work,” says ISSA Secretary General Hans -Horst Konkolewski about the global Vision Zero mission . “ The future of occupational safety and health will undoubtedly determine the lives of both the current and next generations.”

Concept " Vision" Zero " offers seven “golden rules”, the implementation of which will help the employer reduce the rates of industrial injuries and occupational morbidity. Following each of these rules requires serious organizational work and the use of special tools to achieve your goals.

Golden Rule #1: To become a leader is to demonstrate commitment to principles.

We can each become leaders in our own workplaces and take personal responsibility for safety.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Occupational Safety and Health”, the employer is responsible for ensuring the labor protection of workers, including:

  • ensuring at each workplace working conditions that meet labor protection requirements;
  • adoption of local legal acts containing labor protection requirements;
  • promotion and implementation of best practices in safe labor methods and techniques, cooperation with employees and their authorized representatives in the field of labor protection.

The implementation of Rule No. 1 is achieved by:

  • personal participation of the employer in holding Occupational Safety Days;
  • inclusion of issues of the state of conditions and labor protection in the agendas of meetings held with the head of the organization with hearings from the heads of structural divisions on the state of labor protection in the structural divisions of the organization.

Golden Rule No. 2: Identify threats - control risks.

All workers in all workplaces are at risk. Therefore, their assessment is an important tool that allows timely and systematic identification of hazards and risks, as well as taking preventive measures.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”, the employer bears responsibilities for:

  • monitoring compliance with labor protection legislation by employees;
  • monitoring the levels and concentrations of harmful production factors.

The implementation of Rule No. 2 is achieved by:

  • creating a labor protection service, introducing a labor protection specialist position into the staff or assigning relevant labor protection responsibilities to an authorized official or attracting a legal entity (individual entrepreneur) accredited to provide services in the field of labor protection;
  • appointment of officials responsible for organizing labor protection and monitoring compliance by employees with labor protection requirements in the organization and structural divisions, as well as when performing certain types of work;
  • carrying out certification of workplaces according to working conditions; periodic (during working life) mandatory medical examinations of workers employed in jobs where, in accordance with the law, there is a need for professional selection, as well as extraordinary medical examinations of those working when their health condition deteriorates, examinations;
  • organizing investigations of industrial accidents;
  • monitoring compliance by employees with labor protection requirements.

Golden Rule #3: Define goals - develop programs.

Success in occupational safety and health requires setting clear goals and taking concrete, practical steps.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”, the employer bears responsibilities for:

  • ensuring safety during the operation of the territory, buildings (premises), structures, equipment, conducting technological processes and using materials and chemicals in the production, as well as monitoring the use and correct use of personal protective equipment and collective protective equipment;
  • applying measures to prevent emergency situations, preserving the life and health of workers when such situations arise, providing victims of accidents at work with the necessary assistance, and delivering them to a healthcare organization.

The implementation of Rule No. 3 is achieved by:

  • development of occupational safety action plans; to improve working conditions in workplaces with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions;
  • allocation of the necessary amounts of financial resources, equipment and materials for the implementation of measures to improve conditions and labor protection, provided for by the collective agreement, agreements, action plans for labor protection, to improve working conditions in workplaces with harmful and (or) dangerous working conditions.

Golden Rule No. 4: Create a system of occupational safety and health - achieve a high level of organization.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”, the employer is obliged to:

  • on the development, implementation and maintenance of the functioning of an occupational safety management system that ensures the identification of hazards, assessment of occupational risks, determination of measures to manage occupational risks and analysis of their effectiveness, development and implementation of measures to improve working conditions and safety.

The implementation of Rule No. 4 is achieved by:

  • implementation of occupational safety management systems;
  • ensuring the availability of regulatory legal acts, including technical regulatory legal acts on issues of labor conditions and safety, the scope of which extends to the organization, and local legal acts on issues of labor conditions and safety;
  • fulfilling the requirements (instructions) of regulatory (supervisory) authorities within the established time limits;
  • systematically informing workers about the state of labor conditions and safety in the workplace, and the existing risk of damage to health.

Golden Rule No. 5: Ensure safety and hygiene in the workplace, when working with machines and equipment.

By creating safety and comfort, it is easy to turn the workplace into a pleasant one for every employee - a kind of second home, where a person will come not only for wages, but also in anticipation of a new interesting job.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”, the employer is responsible for:

  • ensuring at each workplace working conditions that meet labor protection requirements;
  • ensuring the work and rest regime for employees established by law, collective agreement, agreement, employment contract;
  • adoption of local legal acts on issues of labor conditions and safety;
  • ensuring certification of workplaces according to working conditions;
  • organizations in accordance with established standards of sanitary provision of medical care for employees.
  • The implementation of Rule No. 5 is achieved by:
  • providing workers with special clothing and special footwear, and other personal protective equipment;
  • providing workers with flushing and disinfecting agents;
  • testing and checking the serviceability of personal protective equipment;
  • applying signal colors and safety signs to production equipment, controls and controls, structural elements, communications and other objects;
  • mechanization and automation of technological processes;
  • ensuring safety during the operation of the territory, permanent structures (buildings, structures), isolated premises, equipment, conducting technological processes and using materials and chemicals in the production.

Golden rule No. 6: improve your qualifications - develop professional skills.

The most important thing should be the improvement of qualifications and education of employees. This always underlies a culture of safe behavior.

In accordance with Article 17 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”, the employer:

  • is responsible for providing training, internships, instructions and testing the knowledge of workers on labor protection issues.

Article 25 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection” establishes that the state provides training for labor protection specialists in educational institutions. Training on labor protection issues is carried out during preparation, retraining, advanced training, and training courses. The employer provides assistance in training on labor safety issues for public labor safety inspectors of trade unions and authorized persons for labor protection of the organization's employees.

The implementation of Rule No. 6 is achieved by:

  • conducting briefings on labor protection issues (introductory, initial briefings at the workplace, repeated, unscheduled, targeted);
  • training on labor protection issues for workers during training, retraining, advanced training, and additional adult education courses.

Golden Rule #7: Invest in talent - motivate through participation.

Motivate your employees by involving them in solving all labor safety issues. This investment pays off!

In accordance with Article 11 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”, an employee

  • has the right to personal participation or participation through his representative in the consideration of issues related to ensuring safe working conditions, inspections of compliance with labor protection legislation at his workplace by bodies authorized to exercise control (supervision), in accordance with the established procedure, investigation of what happened to him accident at work and (or) occupational disease.

In accordance with Article 19 of the Law of the Republic of Belarus “On Labor Protection”, the employee is obliged to:

  • comply with labor protection requirements, as well as rules of behavior on the territory of the organization, in production, auxiliary and household premises;
  • take care of personal safety and personal health, as well as the safety of others during the performance of work or while on the territory of the organization;
  • provide assistance and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify your immediate supervisor or other authorized official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, or about a deterioration in your health.

The implementation of Rule No. 7 is achieved by:

  • holding competitions for the best organization of work on labor protection among structural units, and other competitions aimed at promoting safe working conditions;
  • moral and material incentives for workers to ensure labor safety.


We often neglect our own health and the health of those around us. Hence, injuries at work and at home. In order to avoid injuries and accidents, departments have developed labor protection instructions, which department heads introduce and conduct labor safety briefings on. Before you start work, carefully study them so that you know how to avoid loss of health. You will learn in the labor safety instructions what you need to do before starting work, how to behave during work and what you need to do after it is completed, as well as what to do in emergency situations. Carefully read the occupational safety instructions for your profession.

Before starting work, do not forget to put on overalls and inspect your workplace so that nothing interferes with you. Check the functionality of your equipment.

Workers are obliged to comply with the ­requirements of Art. 19 “Occupational Safety and Health Responsibilities ­” of the Labor Protection Law:

- comply with labor protection requirements, as well as rules of ­behavior on the territory of the organization, in production, auxiliary and household premises;

- take care of personal safety and personal health ­, as well as the safety of others during the performance of work or while on the territory of the organization.

Don't forget about electrical safety. Before starting work on electrical equipment, read the operating instructions and safety precautions for working on it. Do not leave the equipment switched on unattended and do not allow unauthorized persons to operate it. If you are away for a long time, turn it off. In the event of a malfunction, turn off the electrical equipment and report the incident to your supervisor. When working with an extension cord to equipment, try to position the cord so that it does not get in the way of you or others. At the end of the working day, unplug the equipment you were working on and put the accessories in the designated place. Don't forget about personal hygiene.

In emergency situations (problems with water supply, heating, electricity supply, fire or fire), immediately notify your supervisor and call the appropriate emergency service using emergency phone numbers. If you can minimize the impact, take appropriate measures.

Comply with labor safety standards and requirements at every workplace.
Wear personal protective equipment and use it correctly.
Take care of your personal health and personal safety, as well as the safety of others while performing work or while on the territory of the organization.
Cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify your immediate supervisor or other authorized official of the employer about malfunctions of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, or about a deterioration in your health.

Do not pass by if you see violations of labor protection requirements.


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Telephones for citizens of Belarus:
+375 (17) 220-69-84
+375 (33) 633-62-17

Telephones for foreign citizens:
+375 (17) 392-32-53

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