Clinical diagnostic laboratory
Заведующий клинико-диагностической лабораторией
Žukoŭskaja Dzina Aliaksandraŭna
Head of clinical diagnostic laboratory
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The clinical diagnostic laboratory of the healthcare institution «City Gynecological Hospital» performs a wide range of examinations, including:
- hematological
- general clinical
- immunohematological,
- biochemical
- immunochemical (tumor markers and hormones),
- hemostasis investigations.
The clinical diagnostic laboratory of our hospital is located in specially equipped rooms that fully comply with the requirements of the rules for the device, operation and safety.
At present time, our clinical diagnostic laboratory is an important, multifunctional structure conducting various types of examinations using modern laboratory equipment.
Modern treatment of patients in a hospital is inextricably linked with investigations performed in the clinical diagnostic laboratory.
Disposable safe vacuum systems are used to take biomaterial. Each application and sample of biomaterial is assigned a unique barcode.
The clinical diagnostic laboratory is equipped with an information system (LIS), which allows you to track the movement of samples from the moment of registration to the time of printing of blanks of the results.
In our clinic, quality control of laboratory tests is carried out daily.
Clinical diagnostic laboratory has modern laboratory equipment:
- automatic hematology analyzer «YUMIZEN H500 OT», «HORIBA ABX SAS», France;
- automatic biochemical analyzer «AU 480», «Beckman Coulter», USA.
- automatic hemostasis analyzer «AC-4», HELENA, UK;
- automatic urine analyzer «SYSMEX UX 2000», Japan;
- automatic immunochemical analyzer «Cobas e411», «ROCHE Diagnostics», Switzerland.
The laboratory uses reagents from leading global and domestic manufacturers, and performs modern research methods.
The clinical diagnostic laboratory of the healthcare institution «City Gynecological Hospital» employs highly qualified staff.
The methods that are used in our clinical diagnostic laboratory are highly analytically reliable.
The head of the clinical diagnostic laboratory is Žukoŭskaja Dzina Aliaksandraŭna, doctor of laboratory diagnostics of the highest qualification category.