Information about helplines for emergency psychological assistance


Helpline number with code

Working hours

Brest region

80162 255727

around the clock

Viciebsk region

80212 616060

around the clock

Homieĺ region

80232 315161

around the clock

Hrodna region

80152 752390

around the clock


for adults

8017 3524444

8017 3044370

around the clock

around the clock

for children

8017 2630303

around the clock

Мinsk region

8017 2702401

8029 8990401

around the clock

Mahilioŭ region

80222 711161

around the clock

Republican children's telephone line


around the clock

We are on the map

Telephones for citizens of Belarus:
+375 (17) 220-69-84
+375 (33) 633-62-17

Telephones for foreign citizens:
+375 (17) 392-32-53

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